Sinir uclarimda gormek istemedigimiz onden ve arkadan mudahalelerinin yasandigi bir gun oluyor.Web sitemdeki formdan su mesaj adresime postalanmis:
paper = Not selectedemail = Abo(xxxxxxxxxx)@Yahoo.comcomments = Iam master student, and Iam in search year.I thanks you for helping
Arkadasa yardimci olma cabasiyla sunlari yazdim:
If you are interested in (this,that), you may start with reading the book by (my advisor et. al.) I think it is available at most school libraries. The subject can be tough for a MS degree though.Best of luck at your research(my name, aka fil)Arkadasin gonderdigi son mesaj:
Dear Sir,Thank You Very Much for your reply.I want to express that Iam a Sudanese Master Student in Iraqi Commission for Computers and Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies.And for more Information I think that you Know What happen in Iraq.My Research in Information Hiding in Texts.I hope to Send for me in Papers, Books in this subject and in information hiding techniques at general.exeuse me for bad language. Iwant to select a betutiful words but i cant’t.Thank YouAbdo (His Surname)——Simdi yazinin basligina bakin ama bosverin siz bunlari, irak’taki, iran’daki depremleri:Are we having fun ?Come on entertain us…