Bir fotograf gordum. caption’inda “March 20, 2006, Kabul, Afghanistan: Abdul Rahman is being tried in an Afghan court for converting from Islam to Christianity. Under sharia law his conversion is considered a crime punishable by death. His family, including father, Abdul Mana and uncle, Abdul Shukor say they have had problems with him for years, that he beats Mana and that now his conversion has brought true shame upon the family. ///A soldier looks on as Abdul Mana and Abdul Shukor discuss their relative’s plight at a local police station.” yaziyor. Yani kisa cevirisi hiristiyanliga gecmis bir afganli’nin olum cezasi ile -din degistirdigi icin tabiki- yargilanmasi. Seriat’ a gore, sayet baska bir dine gecersen, olum cezasi mi uygulanir boyle durumlarda?