make fresh media hakkında tüm yazılar


hafifuyku | 29 March 2002 16:42

şurada lafı geçmiş olan make fresh media‘nın işi, bu ayın cre@teonline‘ında tanıtılmış… hakkında şunu yazmışlar [üşenmedim] :

“we like this site because it’s taken a crippingly boring subject (jeansware development and manufacturing styles anyone?) and made it fun, in a stylish way. Istanbul based agency make fresh media has constructed an animated world using flash 5 that is full of moving icons, buttons and music that really make this site buzz. the site’s clever use of sounds throughout makes the scrolling screens seems like separate worlds in their own right and adds the impression that you are virtually ‘walking’ through the site.”

siteyi tanıtan şahıs işini biraz sallamış mı ne,.. imla hataları da benim değil bu arada..