Yorumsuz olarak direkteman gelen maili aktarıyorum:
Kerstin Busch
Massweiler Str. 4
D-66509 Rieschweiler


my name is Kerstin , I am thirteen years old and I collect any kind ofadvertising pins. Today I have a big desire to you:

I think, that you could have pins from your company and I wouldlike some, too. It will be wonderful if you can send them to me.

I have already over 9000 pins and my older brother had theidea to make a homepage in the Internet for me and my collection.It is available now and if you like, I would be very happy, if youcan visit my homepage.

Perhaps you want to write something in my guestbook?Now I hope that you will answer soon and that you find some pinsfor me. My goal is to enter in the Guiness-Book with the biggestcollection some day.

My Hompage address is:nah burası

Many greetingssends to youKerstin Busch

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