
11 yıl önce üye olmuş, 7 yazı yazmış. 5 yorum yazmış.

Keloglan ve Kurgu Bilim

grundig | 13 April 2006 22:40

Keloglan ve Kurgu Bilim
H.B. PAKSOY, D. Phil.

Bu yazi, H. B. PAKSOY’un 25 Nisan 2004 tarihinde, saat 2:00’de, Türk Evi’nde, (821 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017) 23 Nisan Çocuk Bayrami nedeniyle yaptigi konusmanin ozetidir.

1. “Genclikte Sac, Yaslilikta Sakal Yakisir” bir Turk Atasozudur. Bu deyis’in isiginda, neden alp’in adi’nin Keloglan olduguna kisaca goz atmak uygundur. Kel bir oglan, en kisa surede goz’e batacaktir. Boylece, daha bastan, bu oglan’in yapacaklarinin onemli oldugu ve olacagi aciktir. Toplum, dusunce ve inanislarini Keloglan kisiligi icinde dil’e getirir; yaptiklarini anlatip boburlenebilecegi bir kavram’a donusturur. Disaridan bakildiginda, bu islem bir yerde Toplum’un Kurgu Bilim’e katkisi olarak algilanabilir.
2. Kurgu Bilim iki donem’e ayrilir: M.O; M..S. Bu iki donem arasinda, hicbir ayricalik yoktur. Ne icerik bakimindan, ne de yontemler acisindan. Tum’u ile birbirlerine estirler. Bu yonde tuketilen butun yaratici guc, toplumlari bir duzeyde inaclara zorlamak amacina donuktur. Kurgu Bilim ile yaratilmis olay ya da kisiliklerin yardimi ile, az gider kullanarak yuksek verim alinmasina calisilir. Bu zorlama, toplu yonetim duzenince de yapabilecegi gibi, tek kisice ele alinmis bir atilim olarak da ortaya cikabilir. Amac, bir ‘yonetim’ bolumunun cikarlarini korumaktir, giderleri dusurmektir. Ancak, bu ugras sonucunda, kimin daha cok gelir elde edecegi sorusunun Toplumca sorulmasi kacinilmaz.
3. Ne var ki, ara-sira Toplum da bu tur eylemleri kokunden anlayip, kesinlikle karsilik verir. Bu karsiliklari da, Toplum kendi icinden cikardigi kisiliklerin agzindan anlatir; yaraticiligini, keskin dusuncesini uygulamaya koyar. Bu kisiliklerin ardinda, altinda, gecmiste yasamis biri vardir. Soyledikleri ve yaptiklarindan dolayi Toplumca sozcu secilen bu kisilikler bir maya olustururlar. Sonradan yapilan ve soylenenler de, ornek alinan kisinin imis gibi gorulur. Bir ana varlik, bir alp, bir balbal olusur.
4. Bu yarisma da tam anlami ile, kimin ne kadar pay alacagi uzerinedir: inancsal kurumlar mi, yoksa, ‘soylular’ (gercek ya da yakistirmaci) kumeleri mi? Cunku, sonucunda, is yalnizca kimin kimleri yonetecegi ve giderini kimlerin odeyecegi sorulari uzerine oturtulmustur. Dogal olarak, bu islerin sonucundan yararlanacak kisi ya da toplumlar, amaclarini acikca gostermek istemeyeceklerdir. Cunku, inac ve soylu bascilari kendi aralarinda cok yonlu cekismektedirler. Bu yarismaya baskalarini almak, katilmalarina goz yummak, kendi paylarini azaltacaktir. Ne var ki, insanoglundan baska iki ayak uzerinde durabilen pek bulunmaz. Dogadaki varliklarin buyuk cogunlugu dik durabilmek icin en azindan uc ayaga gerek duyar. Konumuz bakimindan, ucuncu ayak Toplumdur. Toplumca yaratilan Kisilikler ya (az da olsa) bilinen bir kisiligin cercevesi genisletilerek olusturulur, ya da tam anlami ile Kurgusaldir. Iki nedeni vardir: Kuramsal kavramlari somut olaylara donusturmek, Yaratilan kisiligin agzindan, unutulmaz bicimde Toplumun bellegine veriler, kuramlar yerlestirmek.
5. Bu karsiliklarin en gorkemli olarak bulundugu toplumlarin arasinda Turkler gelir. Nasreddin Hoca uzerine pekcok yazi ve kitap yazilmistir. Nasreddin’in “Kedi ve Kiyma” oykusunde ozetlenen kuramlari, dunyanin degisik yerlerindeki bilimadamlari yuzyillar sonra ancak kitaplar yazarak anlatabilmislerdir. Ancak, bu Turk kisilikleri Nasreddin ile baslamadigi gibi, onunla da son bulmaz. Her biri birer inci niteliginde, pekcok maya’lik etmis ornekler vardir. Keloglan bunlardan yalnizca biridir. Yazilmayacak, anlatilmayacak ve dunya kaynaklarina gecirilmeyecek olurlarsa, bu mayalar da yok olacaktir. Bu yokolus, Toplumun oz gecmisine yapabilecegi en buyuk kabaliktir, saygisizliktir. Ustelik, bu yokolustan sonra, yokolan oyku ilk olarak baska bir toplumun sozcusunce dile getirilmis gibi yeniden surume girebilecek, diger toplumlarin ilerlemelerine katkida bulunabilecektir.
6. Toplum bu yontem ile yalnizca kendine inanc somuruculeri ve soylular ikilisince sunulan kurgubilim urunu olay ve kisiliklere karsilik vermekle kalmaz. Yaratilan balbal kisilikleri ile gelecek kusaklarin ve Toplumun mayasini korumayi saglar. Yakin yuzyillara kadar, alpler arasinda tek-e tek dogus yapilir, sonucunda ulkeler alinip verilebilir idi. Gunumuzde bu tek-e tek dogus kilic-kalkan yerine Kurgu Bilim yaraticiligi ile yurutulmektedir. Kimin Kurgu Bilim yaratiklari evrende daha iyi yayilir, bilinir ise, o ulke ya da toplum yarismayi kazanmis olmaktadir. Bir yerde, bu tur giz oyunlarini ogrenmek ve belgelemek kacinilmaz.
7. Toplumlarin Kurgu Bilim yolu ile kendilerine sunulanlara gene Kurgu Bilim yontemi ile karsilik vermeleri bir bas kaldirma olarak da gorulebilir. Atilan yanlis adimlari dogruya yoneltmek, ileride yapilabilecek yanlislarin onune gecmek icin kayda alinmis atilimlardir. Bu oyle bir baskaldirmadir ki, sessiz baslar; once dusuncelerdedir. Toplumun bireylerinin birlesen sesleri ile gittikce yukselir. Butun gelecek kusaklari etkiler, mayalar, egitir. Keloglan, bu yontemin en oz, en etkili orneklerinden biridir. Kut Veren Bilgi ile ugrasanlarin ve okuyucularinin en once ogrenmeleri gerekli olan: toplumlar arasi iliskilerde ve toplum ile yoneticileri arasindaki alis-verislerde hicbirsey gorundugu gibi degildir. Kayda gecmis-gecmemis olaylarin ardindaki nedenler, etkenler genellikle tum olarak bilinmez.
Unutulmamalidir ki, hicbirsey (olay, bilgi, kisilikler, iliskiler, vb) gizli kalamaz. Ancak bulunmalari ve anlasilmalari geciktirilir. Bu cok onemlidir. “At’i alan Uskudar’i gecer” atasozunun kapsamina girer. Sonradan ogrenilmeleri yararlarini buyuk olcude dusurur. Dolayisi ile: Olaylari baslangicindan gorup belgelemek kacinilmazdir. Sonra da, bu belgeler yordami ile atilima gecmek boyun borcudur.
8. Iceriklerini dusunmeye basladigimizda, Keloglan oykulerinin bu yonde yaratildiklari sonucuna varabiliriz. Anlasilan, Turk Atalari bu tur iletisimin onemini cok once kavramis ve geregince uygun dusunceleri Kurgu Bilim alp’ini yaratarak agzindan gelecege dogru aktarmistir. Bunlarin arasinda, Egemenligin korunmasi olabilecegini de dusuncelerden uzak tutmamak uygun gorulebilir.
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Lectures on Central Asia

grundig | 26 November 2005 17:18

Lectures on Central Asia by Prof. H.B. Paksoy

Lectures on Central Asia: Table of Contents Leviathan*: Identity Interactions between Society and Technology Governing with the wiggle of a Mustache Leavening of Culture, Identity, Civilization ‘Employee Owned’ Identity? Identity of Candied Watermelon Thoughts on “Religious Fundamentalism” Identity in Central Asia Identity Markers: Uran, Tamga, Dastan The Question of Religious Fundamentalism in Central Asia Views of the ‘outlaw concept’ in comparative perspective: Benjamin Franklin and Nasreddin of Asia Minor An open letter to the editorial board of Hurriyat (Mustakil Gazeta), Tashkent Ozbek Republic

IDENTITIES: How Governed, Who Pays? Chapter One

grundig | 30 October 2005 17:30

IDENTITIES: How Governed, Who Pays? Chapter One

1. This is a skeleton, if you will, to be fleshed out by the specific examples as the reader may choose to endow on it.

2. All humans are fallible. My failing is writing this.

3. According to my records, this effort was begun in 1983. In the ensuing years, I filled close to a dozen notebooks on various aspects of identity. For the first sixteen years of this process, the primary idea was to better understand the nature of the subject.

4. While teaching courses on World History and Intercultural Studies in four different universities, perceptive student questions on these topics further stimulated the process.

IDENTITIES: How Governed, Who Pays?

grundig | 28 October 2005 21:12


Paksoy, H.B., IDENTITIES: How Governed, Who Pays?. Lawrence (KS), Carrie, 2001, 79 pp.

Dan Krejci PhD

H.B. Paksoy spent 18 years of his life letting the creative juices flow in order to come up with a fascinating text that prompts us to ponder the political and historical aspects of identities. This is a manual -written in the classic axiomatic paragraph style of Confucius, Aristotle, and Marcus Aurelius- which provides a sense of direction for discourse and research not only in the field of political science, but also history, sociology, and anthropology. Paksoy effectively uses 13 chapters to convey not only how our identities (we have several) are governed, but also how we pay for these identities. In addition, he successfully demonstrates how these identities affect ‘the way’ we are governed in a society and how we pay for this government. Paksoy is not attempting to provide a general theory of identities or government -even though on the surface it may appear as if he is driving us toward a general theory- rather he is attempting to provide us with subjects, variables, and hypotheses for use in our discourse and research. According to Paksoy[1], “The objective here is to better understand the nature and uses of identity; be that identity [so conceived as having] natural roots or [rather] is a synthetic creation of Thought Employers.” To better understand the concept of identities Paksoy[2] asks the question “is there a set of universal principles governing identity?”. Asking this question makes it appear as if he is positing a general theory, yet what he mostly concentrates on is a collection of previous work that has left us with some good observations, yet these observations have left us with many questions that cry out for further discourse and research. He presents the reader with 13 succinct chapters which present numerous short paragraphs, most of consisting of one sentence, in order to provide a starting point for discourse on the subject of identities. The various subjects of identities that he addresses are varied in their nature and include the following: Uses of Identities, Official Identity, Leavening of Identity, Identity of Governance, Commercial Identity, Interaction of Identities, Corporate Identity, Identity of Belief Systems, Mosaic Identity, Technological and Future Identities, Secret Identities, and Observations. The reader will quickly pick up on the works of Confucius (Paksoy’s reference to the importance of rituals), Adam Smith (discussion of Mercantilism), Luther, Spinoza, Wyclif, and the list goes on. Even though this may appear as nothing more than regurgitation, Paksoy takes these various works and correlates them into a creative piece on identities. Arthur Koestler[3] noted that one of the most important aspects of creativity is the ability to transfer and transform ideas from various domains into something new. Koestler[4] referred to this as bisociation. Paksoy has done an excellent job of correlating various ideas in order to come up with some interesting concepts of how our various identities are governed and how these identities affect how we are governed. The payment for these identities is borne by individuals and society. In the end, Paksoy provides us with interesting fodder for discussion in both of these arenas. What follows is a brief discussion of those chapters. Chapter 1 basically sets up the questions that the book addresses; yet, the text mysteriously leaves partially unanswered -which I sincerely believe is the author’s intent. That is the genius of his work; he wants us to add, through discourse and research, what is missing. As a prime example, in Chapter 8 -Corporate Identity- he provides ample discussion of mercantilism and its effect on corporate identity but neglects any discussion of free-enterprise capitalism, socialism, or welfare-state capitalism. Chapter 2, Uses of Identity, Paksoy denotes the interesting point that identity can easily be equated to culture, yet this is only one aspect of identity. Chapter 3, Official Identity, is brought about through the use of myths, folklore (a type of myth) as well as belief systems and shared values (once again -culture), however not much emphasis is placed on why myths are so important. Chapter 4, Leavening of Identity, takes a look at the identities in general and notes that not only are myths important to official identities, but myths are important to identities in general. What is even more important is the role that education plays in the perpetuation of the origin myth. Chapters 5, 6, 8 (previously mentioned), 11, and 12 discuss specific types of identities. Chapter 5 presents a discussion on the Identity of Governance. In this chapter’s review of the identity of governance, Paksoy indicates the importance of language (shades of Wittgenstein) in establishing governance identities. He further notes that how we choose to govern our society is all part of creating an identity for that society. Chapter 6, Commercial Identity, discusses the ramifications of trade wars and that resources are at the heart of what countries do or fail to do. Resources, particularly the scarcity of resources, are at the heart of most wars. Chapter 11 deals with what affects our future identities -technology. I would note that technology affects identities in the present as well as future tense. In this chapter, he makes an interesting observation that the advent of the fireplace is a factor that weakened the relationship between a king and his nobles. Since fireplaces could be constructed in many different rooms, this allowed for separate sleeping arrangements, which, in turn, decreased the “intimate contact” between a king and his nobles[5]. This decrease in intimate contact led to a decrease in the noble’s loyalty to the king. Chapter 12, Secret Identities, notes how and why we are persuaded to adopt secret identities. One reason that we adopt secret identities is because we want to escape the rules that govern our identities in the society in which we live. In addition, Paksoy notes that these secret identities do not remain secret for very long (we have a hard time keeping secrets). The remaining chapters deal with other factors that affect identities in society. Chapter 7 discusses how identities react both to internal and external factors. The most interesting chapter from the viewpoint of this reviewer is Chapter 9, Identity of Belief Systems. In this chapter, Paksoy’s notes that belief systems serve the purpose of instructing unfathomable subjects to the uninitiated, which would almost seem to be an impossible task. I note this simply because if something is unfathomable and the uninitiated are probably they way they are ‘uninitiated’ because they lack the education in order to comprehend; therefore, this seems to beg the question: how would they (the uninitiated) know that the belief system is fulfilling its purpose by providing correct information on the unfathomable. This, of course is probably what Paksoy wants us to discuss. Just because a belief system states that it is providing answers to the unfathomable does that mean we should take the word of those pontificating the belief system and act just like sheep being led to the proverbial slaughterhouse? Chapter 10, Mosaic Identities, notes how societies may have a diversity of identities but this diversification will not be considered a mosaic identity until, according to Paksoy[6], “the collective population of the sub-groups within a dominant identity grows approximately equal to that of the main identity, a mosaic identity is invariably developed.” Finally, in Chapter 13 Paksoy leaves us with his observations on identities and systems of governance. As with all works in academia, Paksoy has some strong and weak points. The political scientist or historian who takes up this work in hope of finding a general theory or set of specifically addressed hypotheses will be somewhat disappointed. This, of course, was not the apparent intent of the author. What this book does well is provide us with topics of discourse and research questions, and there is the beauty of his work. I have found that the most important aspect of academic studies is not the answers we attempt to find; rather the beauty of academic work is developing the well-worded question. From Paksoy’s work, we are able to do just that -develop the well-worded question. Notes [1] Paksoy, H.B., How Governed, Who Pays?. Lawrence (KS), Carrie, 2001, 4. [2] Ibid. [3] Koestler, A., The Act of Creation. London, 1964. [4] Ibid. [5] Paksoy, H.B., How Governed…, op. cit., 68. [6] Ibid, 54.


grundig | 23 October 2005 15:36


Prof. Dr. Hasan B. Paksoy Çeviri: Osman Karatay Çorum KaraM Araştırma ve Yayıncılık 2005 94 Sayfa

Tarihi kişiler değil, topluluklar yapar. Kişiler, topluluklar üzerinde belirleyici ve sürükleyici olarak tarih yapmada öncü rol oynarlar. Tarihin oluşumunda bir öğe olarak topluluğu düşündüğümüzde aklımıza doğrudan etnik yapılar gelir. Tarihin işleyiş temelinde iktisadi yapıların, inanç sistemlerinin, fikir akımlarının vb.’nin bulunduğu şeklindeki savlar piyasada dolaşa dursun, aslında hepimiz farkında olarak veya olmayarak etnik toplulukların, Türklerin, Almanların, Isaurialıların, Paphlagonialıların vs. tarihini okuyor, öğreniyor veya araştırıyoruz. Bu durum, etnik oluşumların insanlık hayatında en belirleyici ve üzerinde durulması gereken yapılar olduğunu gösteriyor. Eğer tarihi etnoslar yaptı ise, tarihi anlamak için de öncelikle etnoslardan işe başlamamız gerekiyor. O zaman, etnik kimliklere nüfuz ederek veya denetim altına alarak tarihin işleyişini de denetlemek mümkün olur mu? Peki bunu yapmak için evrensel kurallar ve formüller var mıdır? Sosyal bilimlerin formülü sevmediği ve her toplumsal olgunun kendine has şartları ve bu şartlarda gelişen kendine özel sonuçları olduğu belirtilir. Ancak, birer organizma gibi doğup büyüyen, davranan, tepki gösteren ve nihayet vakti gelince ölen etnik kimliklerin bu hayat safhaları formüllere indirgenerek incelenemez mi? Bu formüllerden bazıları etnik kimliklerin yönetilmesi konularını içerebilir mi? Bu soruların cevaplarını Prof. Dr. Hasan B. Paksoy’un “Etnik ve Toplumsal Kimlikler Nasıl Oluşur?” adlı kitabında bulmak mümkündür.