türkçe dilbilgisine dayalı bir programlama dili yapabilir miyiz? dediğimde dayak yemediğim kalmıştı 🙂 ancak ünlü yazar william shakespeare nin romeo ve julyet‘in de ki replikler bile programlama dili olabiliyormuş…programdan bir kesit( senaryo repliğinden mi deseydim acaba?):

Romeo and Juliet learn to count numbers from 1 to 100.Romeo , Helps in the process of counting.Juliet, Starts from 1 and moves steadily to 100.Act I: The counting machine.Scene I: Decides to study number counting.[Enter Romeo and Juliet]Juliet: You are as bold as the square of the sum of amighty handsome brave king and a noble Lord.Romeo: You are as lovely as a rose.Scene II: Checks who is the fast learner.Romeo: Open your heart.Am I better than you?Juliet: If not, let us proceed to Scene III.You are as honest as the square root of yourself.Speak your mind.Romeo: You are as sweet as the sum of yourself and a plum.Juliet: You are as gentle as the square of yourself.Let us return to Scene II.Scene III: Reaches an agreement.Juliet:You are as trustworthy as the square root of yourself.Speak your mind.